
Underrated K-Pop: Ranking Every Single by CHOCOLAT

Underrated K-Pop - Ranking Every Single by CHOCOLATK-pop is littered with acts who – for one reason or another – didn’t get the full spotlight they deserved. I’ve spent plenty of time ranking and reviewed the industry’s biggest artists, but these underrated acts should never be forgotten.

This feature will take a look at disbanded groups and rank/rate their entire singles run, placing them in the pantheon of K-pop history.

Next up is ChoColat!

Career timeline: 2011-2013

Overall sound: Ranging from bright to sexy concepts, ChoColat’s music often used a throbbing electro beat as its base.

4. Syndrome (2011)

The group debuted with a sound you’d very much expect in 2011. Syndrome unveils a catchy chanted hook over an angular electro beat. It’s not the most idiosyncratic thing I’ve ever heard and could do with a little less repetition, but overall it’s a nice start.

Rating: 7.75

3. One More Day (2012)

Taking a sultrier approach, One More Day slowed the groove and offered the chance for ChoColat to reinvent both their sound and image. I love the layered chorus and powerful vocals in verse two.

Rating: 8.25

2. I Like It (2011)

I Like It never received a music video, but was still promoted as a single on music shows. It’s an improvement on their debut, delivering a gutsier performance that sees the group singing in their lower register. I really enjoy the stomping electro beat – especially toward the finale.

Rating: 8.25

1. Black Tinkerbell (2013)

In addition to being their swan song, Black Tinkerbell is the standout of ChoColat’s short but sweet singles run. It feels like the culmination of what One More Day was trying to do, expertly fusing a sensual atmosphere to slick electro production.

Rating: 8.5


(Check out the full “Underrated K-Pop” rankings list here!)

13 thoughts on “Underrated K-Pop: Ranking Every Single by CHOCOLAT

  1. I didn’t expect chocolate on the list but I’m glad you did them. I find myself getting addicted to syndrome and blacktinkerbell a lot


    • It may be because it’s a brief synopsis of your thoughts but you sound more positive on syndrome then you would be for a 7.75 song being released now. Also it would be nice for at least the number one song to get a more flesh out review. A lot of these underrated groups are from my formative years so it would be could to see them get the full bias list treatment when (in my opinion) less deserving songs get that nowadays


    • Not planning on it since they already have a “top ten singles” countdown on the blog. That’s sort of my barometer for when a group is too big to be part of this feature. Generally, acts on this feature will have fewer than ten singles to their name.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m really loving this series! It’s such a great idea.

    Groups I would love to see featured include Speed, N-Sonic, 24K, Mr.Mr, and Jewelry. (I was going to include Fiestar, but a search showed you already gave them a “Top 10 Songs By…” spotlight.)

    I’m excited to see who you focus on next.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wow!….thanks for this short, but great look at Chocolat….i loved them and was very sad when they disbanded….they were one of the first groups that got me into k-pop….Julian was my bias and their top songs for me are “Black Tinkerbell” and “One More Day” with “Syndrome” pulling some weight as well….

    Liked by 1 person

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